These materials are derived from natural silk which has been hydrolyzed or mechanically ground to various degrees and processed.


  • Show high compatibility with human skin as they closely match the amino acids
  • Silk Proteins can absorb up to 50 times their own weight in moisture
  • Soothe and reduce irritation and inflammation in skin
  • Emulsify oil & water
  • Serve as skin tightener
  • Wonderful effects on hair – increasing body volume, improving texture, and promoting the healing
silk proteins


This is a suite of materials all derived from natural silk which has been hydrolized or mechanically ground to various degrees and processed for various presentations.

The properties are modified according to the degree of processing

Packing: Individual 1 or 2 kg packs
Origin: Asia

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number 560 563 565 562 564
grade Silk Silk Silk Peptide Micro Micro
general item Crystal Gel Amino PEP 10 40
Appearance Semi-Liquid Gel Powder Powder Powder Powder
Color Ivory Cream Lt Yellow Lt Yellow White White
Storage 4-10 deg. C Cool Dry Cool Dry Cool Dry Cool Dry
Shelf Life (unopened) 24 Months 24 Months 24 Months 36 Months 36 Months
Preservative Methyl paraben None None None None
HeavyMetals less than 5 ppm < 5 ppm < 5 ppm < 5 ppm < 5 ppm
Microbial Less than 100 TPC <100 <100 <100 <100
Soluble in: Oils or Water Water Water not soluble not soluble
Loss on Drying Not reported <10% Not reported <5% <5%
SEM image Yes yes yes yes yes


This is a suite of 4 materials all derived from natural silk which has been hydrolyzed or mechanically ground to various degrees and processed for various presentations. The properties are modified according to the degree of processing.

Silk Crystal Gel Item 560
Description: This is a unique hydrated mixture of silk peptides and amino acids.
Appearance: White semi-liquid gel or cream, not free flowing and thixotropic.

Silk Micro 10 Item 562
Description: Finely divided, mechanically ground silk powder. Insoluble in water,
without chemical treatment. Appearance: soft white powder, soft to the touch, readily disperses in mineral oil.

Silk Amino Item 563
Description: A strong digestion of silk fiber to amino acids. The molecular weight is approx. 200. Appearance: off-white, free flowing powder.

Silk Micro 40 Item 564
Description: Coarsely divided silk powder. Insoluble in water, without chemical treatment. Appearance: White powder, somewhat gritty to the touch.

The Silk Proteins show high compatibility with the human skin
They closely match the amino acids in the skin. This allows prompt and close binding of these proteins to the skin. Following is a short list of the major amino acids used in the Silk Proteins.

Glycine 35.5%  
Alanine 27.7%  
Serine 13.5%  
Tyrosine 10.3%  
Valine 2.7%  
Plus 13 additional amino acids including:
Leucine at 0.7% which promotes skin nutrition and growth.

High moisturizing ability
Silk Proteins can absorb up to 50 times their own weight in moisture. These products will regulate and replenish moisture in the skin.

Promote skin improvements
Silk Proteins soothe and reduce irritation and inflammation in the skin. They promote the production of collagen and the regeneration of skin cells.

Emulsify oil & water
Silk Proteins will reduce the oil and sebum appearance on the face because of their unique emulsifying ability.

Skin tightener
Silk Proteins act as quick acting skin tighteners. Silk Crystal Gel (Item 560) at first offers a cooling effect, then acts to tighten the skin, reducing wrinkles and minimizing fine lines.

The same raw materials are available as finished products
The hydrolyzed and mechanically ground Silk Proteins can also be purchased incorporated into finished materials in the three piece Celestial Dreams (TM) kit. This can add an immediate turnkey product to your line. Additionally, the finished items provide a perfect showcase for the cosmetic formulator to see how these products can be used as moisturizers, eye creams, and skin revitalizers.

Not oily, not tacky
The formulator might look at Silk Crystal Gel (Item 560) and anticipate it would be tacky or oily. Such is not the case, as there is no tackiness or any oily field left on the skin. Silk Crystal Gel particularly is absorbed quickly and easily.

Emulsifying ability
Silk Crystal Gel (Item 560) allows the even blending of oil and water fractions. Up to 50% of oils can be suspended into the silk gel, including 45% of fombolin! This ability to blend oil and water allows the cosmetic chemist to formulate with gentle, emulsion- free ingredients.

None by the Draize criteria after 24, 48, and 72 hours. The LD 50 dose is 8 grams/kilo.

All the Silk Proteins are more than 3% soluble without effort into water.

Minimum shelf life of the dry powders is three years. Minimum shelf life of the unformulated Silk Crystal Gel (Item 560) is one year when refrigerated. The powders have no preservatives

Silk proteins show high compatibility with hair
The Silk Proteins and Amino have wonderful effects on the hair, increasing body volume, improving texture, and promoting the healing of individual strands.