Why JetMag? It has a low cost per square foot on new steel and has a low dust rate.
- Low cost per square foot abrasive for new steel
- Low dust
- High production rate for new steel
- Very Low consumption rate on new steel (~ 2 lbs/sf)
- Very low embedment
- Low Density means more abrasive particles per lb
- Recycle up to 2 to 3 turns
- Available in 55 lb bags, 3000 lb SuperSacs
- Tech Data Sheet (PDF)
Please contact us or call us at 314-241-5333 for additional information
Technical data
Abrasive TypeSintered Olivine
Bulk Density (lbs/cu.ft.)78 lbs
Specific Gravity2.8
MOH Hardness7 to 7.5
Crystalline Silica Content< 0.1%
Potential for EmbedmentLow (< 5%)
Dust LevelsLow
Abrasive Fracture PotentialLow
Chloride Content1 ppm
—SSPC SP-10 Near White (over new steel Rust Grade A/B)–
Production Rate (sf/hr)350 sf/hr
Consumption Rate (lbs/hr)500 lbs/hr
Consumption Rate (lbs/sf)2 to 4 lbs/sf
# of Recycles2 to 3
Material Cost per sf : w/o Recycles (StL)$0.54/sf
Material Cost per sf: w/ Recycles (StL)$0.39/sf
Cost per Ton (FTL to StL)$425 (Freight $130)
QPL (< 1% Silica & < 3% Cl)meets requirements
Disposal Cost per Ton$100/ton
ColorCharcoal Brown