Ebony Grit Copper Slag
Why Ebony Grit Copper Slag? It is among the lowest cost per square foot abrasive and it is effective on new and coated steel.
Ebony Grit Copper Slag
- Among the lowest cost per square foot abrasive
- New and coated steel
- Environmentally Friendly Abrasive
- Low dust
- Low consumption rate on new steel (~ 2 to 3 lbs/sq. ft. at 110psi Nozzle)
- Minimal embedment
- Available in 50 & 100 lb bags, 3000 & 4000 lb Bulk Bags, Bulk & Rail
- Tech Data Sheet (PDF)
Please contact us or call us at 314-241-5333 for additional information
Technical data
Abrasive TypeIron Silicate
ShapeUniform Angular
Bulk Density (lbs/cu.ft.)135 lbs/cu.ft.
Specific Gravity3.8
MOH Hardness7
Crystalline Silica Content< 0.1%
Potential for EmbedmentLow (~4%)
Dust LevelsLow
Abrasive Fracture PotentialLow
Chloride Content0 to 10 ppm
SSPC SP-10 Near White (over new steel Rust Grade A/B)–
Production Rate (sf/hr)450+ sf/hr
Consumption Rate (lbs/hr)700 lbs/hr
Consumption Rate (lbs/sf)2 to 3 lbs/sf
# of Recycles2
Material Cost per sf : w/o Recycles (StL)$0.37/sf
Material Cost per sf: w/ Recycles (StL)$0.32/sf
Cost per Ton (FTL to StL):$320 (Freight ~$120/ton)
QPL (< 1% Silica & < 3% Cl):MIL-A-22262 (SH)
Disposal Cost per Ton:~$100/ton